Hi, I'm Leslie! 

I want to be one of your School Board Representatives so we can:

Let's make sure that ALL children thrive in school and that our teachers have the tools they need to prepare students for a competitive world.


I believe we need to invest in our educators and students now in order to support the future of Henderson County and I could not let any more time go by without getting involved to better our school system. Learning from experience, when we value the school community, everyone involved thrives. 

What does that mean to me? 

Henderson County Data

We are lucky to live in a county where we rank in the top quarter for tax wealth compared to the rest of the state. However, we rank in the bottom quarter for local school funding. Ideally, those numbers should be a lot closer together. We have the funds to support our schools right here and it's up to us all to advocate for our schools. 

In the image below, you'll notice that in 2008, local money spent $1801 per pupil and last year that number was $1885. I think we can do better, do you? 
